7 January worship service with a guest speaker
Message “ Is our God a forgetful god?” Scripture Jeremiah 31:27-34 ² We are thankful to be able to have Dr.Takamitsu Muraoka to begin our first worship service for the year 2018. We sincerely welcome him. Dr.Takamitsu Muraoka specializes in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Since 2003, he has been teaching as a volunteer every year in theological colleges all over Asia, as a result of what he feels over Japan’s role in the Second World War. This time he will be lecturing at Baptist Theological Seminary and public lecture at Singapore Bible College. He resides in Holland. He is the representative of Japanese Bible Church in Holland. ² The public lecture, titled Biblical Peacemaking by Dr.Muraoka will be held at Singapore Bible College, Block 3, basement Lecture Hall,tomorrow,8 th Jan...